"In today's world, physical pain has become the focus of our attention. Not only does pain debilitate us, but it also robs us of our hopes, dreams, energy, confidence and motivation. The good news is that physical pain, be it chronic or episodic, can be eradicated permanently. All a person needs is the knowledge of the true cause of pain and a personally directed plan to treat the cause."
Good news to report. I've been outside in the garden for most of the weekend putting up a shed and I've been fine.
I can't quite believe the difference to a couple of weeks ago when I was really suffering. I'm so grateful for your treatment and keep reminding myself how lucky I am not to be suffering anymore.
I can't thank you enough for the repeat treatment and for identifying the problem.
I'm so happy that I've got my life back again now. I've got my motivation and energy back and can pick up the DIY from a month ago that I had no possibility of doing until you treated me. I know I'll be able to enjoy my daughter's birthday as well as my own this Friday where as it would have been a lottery.
I'm now looking forward to the summer. I know I'll be able to enjoy days out in the country and evenings in the garden. I was dreading it and was getting quite depressed about it all. I was also bad tempered but that's all gone now and I'm back to my usual self.
Thank you again for all your help."
Michael Leeson, Bridgend Control Bridge Comms Team
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